Electric Zine Jam Stream!

Hi! To help promote the Electric Zine Jam, which is running until the end of July, I'll be streaming the creation of a zine with Electric Zine Maker (and other tools) and answering any questions about the HTML5 Reader for the curious. The zine will be made in collaboration with stream chat (similar to what I did with Doors), so it should be a fun and mildly educational party! 

Currently planned streams are Tuesday June 20th (that's today!) and Thursday June 22nd, 19.00 CEST, at twitch.tv/alienbob. Hope to see you there!

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Update! I somehow was able to make the entire zine in one sitting, with the gracious help of chat. You can read it here: https://jeremyoduber.itch.io/huh-a-thought